Although the isotank depot industry is slightly conservative leaning on processes developed decades before, we are open-minded in applying new technologies.
We are aiming to design depots meeting the current state of the art, meaning that the latest state of available technology could be implemented.
Nowadays there are many new technologies which could support the daily routine tasks, reaching a higher level of safety and quality, reduce omissions and improve (speed of) communication with customers which will lead to better customer satisfaction and reduced costs.
Waste water treatment
100% re-use of water?
Potable water is getting scarce and costs are are rising. Using same water again, either for cleaning or irrigation purposes, is of paramount importance.
OCR – Optical Character Recognition
Extracts data from scanned documents and camera images, f.e. automatic recognition of container numbers and other critical identification information like UN numbers and labels.
OCR – Optical Character Recognition
Extracts data from scanned documents and camera images f.e. automatic recognition of container number and other critical identification information like UN numbers and hazardous labelling.
RFID – Radio Frequency Identification
May be used to automatically identify the location, status and route of anisotank throughout the process.
RFID – Radio Frequency Identification
May be used to automatically identify the location, status and route of an isotank throughout the process.
Drone technology
When analyzing the safety and health conditions of a depot from a statistical perspective, the highest risk categories are exposure to chemical vapors, working at height, and entering confined spaces. In order to mitigate these risks, considering drone technology could prove to be beneficial.
Robotic cleaning
If robots can assemble a complete car these days, why can’t they clean an isotank?
The advantages are numerous however will not replace the human control and interference.
AI – Artificial Intelligence
AI to be used as interpreting all data exhibited from above applications but also from ERP software to learn and improve.
Drone technology
Looking at the safety & health environment of a depot statistically seen the highest risk categories are exposure to chemical vapors, working on height and entering confined spaces.
To mitigate those risks it’s worth looking at drone technology.
Robotic cleaning
If robots can assemble a complete car these days, why can’t they clean an isotank?
The advantages are numerous however will not replace the human control and interference.
AI – Artificial Intelligence
AI to be used as interpreting all data exhibited from above applications but also from ERP software to learn and improve.